Providers Association for Home Health & Hospice Agencies is a statewide association of providers to Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Care as well as uninsured Patients. The mission is to promote and advance the delivery of high quality and safe continumm healthcare to meet the needs of community.
PAHHHA represents the long term care community – to government, business leaders, and the general public. It also serves as a force for change within the long term care field, providing information, education, and administrative tools that enhance quality at every level. At its Dallas, TX headquarters, the association maintains legislative, regulatory and public affairs, as well as member services staffs which work both internally and externally to assist the interests of government and the general public, as well as member providers. In that respect, PAHHHA represents its membership to all publics, and national leadership to its members.
PAHHHA believes this necessitates their commitment to developing necessary and reasonable public policies which balance economic and regulatory principles to support quality care and quality of life, and is dedicated to professionalism and ethical behavior among all who provide long term care.

As one of the services of the association, we offer a range of classes to our members. These are classes used by Home Health & Hospice Agencies during the day-to-day operation of the agencies.
At its Dallas, Texas headquarters, the Association maintains a Legislative staff focused on understanding changes to regulations, policies, and public affairs mandates. Additionally, our Member Services staff works both internally and externally to coordinate the interests of government and the general public with the needs of our member providers. In that respect, PAHHHA represents its membership to all related public entities at the State and Federal levels.
As an alternative to skyrocketing training and certification costs for administration and nurses, the association will aim to provide funded or associated classes.
Through the year, we conduct valuable and information packed seminars for Home Health and Hospice Agencies. These seminars help bring agencies upto date with regulations, news, updates to changes and other pertinent information relevant to the Home Health and Hospice Agencies.
Language interpretation and translation services are necessary in our diverse and rapidly changing society. This important facet of the health care industry is critical to quality provision of all medical services.