

Continuing Education constitutes a core activity of the Health care personnel. The mission of PAHHHA is to develop, maintain, and increase the competency, skills, and professional performance of practitioners through the promotion of professional development. By strengthening public health practice within the core guidelines of the public health essential services, PAHHHA can help you better serve the needs of your patients.

We want to provide you with the skills to work in the healthcare field with confidence and pride.


Language interpretation and translation services are necessary in our diverse and rapidly changing society. This important facet of the health care industry is critical to quality provision of all medical services.

Interpretation and Translation are different professions. While Interpreters deal with spoken words, translators focus on written instructions, prescriptions, and manuals for example. Our multi-cultural staff are fluent in their native language and English and are working in settings as varied as clinics, doctors offices, homes, hotels, factories, courtrooms, and of course, hospitals.


At its Dallas, Texas headquarters, the Association maintains a Legislative staff focused on understanding changes to regulations, policies, and public affairs mandates. Additionally, our Member Services staff works both internally and externally to coordinate the interests of government and the general public with the needs of our member providers. In that respect, PAHHHA represents its membership to all related public entities at the State and Federal levels.

The main focus is on providing quality care to the nation’s elderly, physically challenged and people with language barriers who are all served by the long term care professionals who comprise PAHHHA’s core membership.


Through the year, we conduct valuable and information packed seminars for Home Health and Hospice Agencies. These seminars help bring agencies upto date with regulations, news, updates to changes and other pertinent information relevant to the Home Health and Hospice Agencies.

Home Health & Hospice Agency, Administrators and Staff get to meet with speakers and presenter and get first hand information from them. These seminars also helps agencies to meet their peers and discuss industry challenges and matters. In addition to this, Administrators, RNs, LVNs receive CEUs, Clock Hours Certificates etc.