What We Do
Our goal is to assist you in providing better quality care by serving the needs of Home Health & Hospice Providers.
By keeping you up to date with State and Federal changes to policy and regulations, facilitating education classes and forums for best practices and efficiencies, and providing the latest in industry technology, our success is dependant on connecting Providers across the state to better serve our patients.
At its Dallas, Texas headquarters, the Association maintains a Legislative staff focused on understanding changes to regulations, policies, and public affairs mandates. Additionally, our Member Services staff works both internally and externally to coordinate the interests of government and the general public with the needs of our member providers. In that respect, PAHHHA represents its membership to all related public entities at the State and Federal levels.
Who We Are
PAHHHA represents the long term care community – to government, business leaders, and the general public. It also serves as a force for change within the long term care field, providing information, education, and administrative tools that enhance quality at every level.
Why We Are
The main focus is on providing quality care to the nation’s frail, elderly, physically challenged and people with language barriers who are served by the long term care professionals who comprise PAHHHA membership. Providers believe that the individuals whom they serve are entitled to a supportive environment in which professional and compassionate care is delivered.
This belief compels PAHHHA affiliates and member providers to advocate for individuals who – because of social needs, challenges, trauma or illness – require services provided in a long term care setting, while also advocating for the continuing vitality of long term care provider community.
Providers Association for Home Health & Hospice Agencies is a statewide association of providers to Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Care, as well as uninsured patients. The mission is to promote and advance the delivery of high quality and safe continuum healthcare to meet the needs of the community. Providers Association for Home Health & Hospice Agencies (PAHHHA) is the only Association for Providers in Dallas, TX, and soon forecasted to go Nationwide.
Providers Association for Home Health & Hospice Agencies is a statewide association of providers to Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Care, as well as uninsured patients. The mission is to promote and advance the delivery of high quality and safe continuum healthcare to meet the needs of the community. Providers Association for Home Health & Hospice Agencies (PAHHHA) is the only Association for Providers in Dallas, TX, and soon forecasted to go Nationwide.
PAHHHA keeps members posted of events, news, changes to mandates from Department Of Aging and Disability Services, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, OIG, Texas Department of Health and Human Services and other regulatory bodies.
We will have quarterly meetings with guest speakers addressing topics of interest to the Home Health and Hospice industry. We also plan to have very exciting and informative discussions and interactive panels at these meetings.
Serving as advocates for daily issues that affect and enhance home health and hospice agencies, the Association aims to be not only a repository of information for solutions to common challenges these provider face, but also to facilitate education, training, and best practice strategies to promote quality care and precise implementation of regulations and guidelines.
We conduct quarterly meetings by inviting recognized leaders in the field to further educate on current topics and changes with home health and hospice guidelines. One goal in our strategy to promote the sharing of ideas will be an annual conference and awards ceremony to recognize the most valuable and innovative home health and hospice providers, employees, and ideas. Along with goals of providing information services, our organization will actively look to provide home health solutions for refugees and other uninsured patients. Plans include offering, clinical, dietary, and hygiene education facilitated by our professional staff. A critical component of the Associations success is to focus on patients who are not eligible to receive Medicaid, Medicare, or other government assistance.
While the challenges regarding appropriate and sufficient health care staff have been well documented, the Association will be active to address these concerns by providing educational assistance for potential nurses, home health aides, and hospice care givers. We will focus our efforts in this particular initiative on sponsoring qualified students by providing tuition expenses and assistance with other education related costs.
As an alternative to skyrocketing training and certification costs for administrators and nurses, the Association will aim to provide funded or discounted classes for health professionals needing to obtain CEU’s and State required “clock hours”.
In compliance with State regulations regarding language interpretation for health providers, the Association will assist in providing qualified Sign and Language Interpreters of various nationalities and ethnicities. This facet of our business plan is essential in addressing the needs of communities with large refugee or immigrant populations.